Competition Is the End Game of Choice

School leaders have their pants in a bunch over school choice. Get over it. The world of education is changing and it is not done changing, yet. The school of the future will be the school of choice. Be that … Continue reading

Stop Repeating Yourself

“How many times must I repeat this before you will learn it?” I have heard these words thousands of times, sometimes when I was a child in school and many more times as a career educator. Interestingly, “how many times…” … Continue reading

Teach Children to Make an Academic Argument – 2.0

Make an argument = give a speech. Make an argument = write a paper. Make an argument = succeed in a debate. Make an argument = collaborate with others. Make an argument = real world skill. The ability of a … Continue reading

Teach Children to Argue Well – 1.0

Teach children to argue because they really do not know how. Sounds ludicrous! Not so much. Children know how to talk. They think that talking louder and longer and saying the same things over and over again is arguing. Standing … Continue reading

Filling In a Child’s Background Knowledge Deficit

When I say these words to an adult, “… there is a way of walking with crutches so that your arms hold your weight and not your shoulders,” I can quickly separate those who have experience with walking with crutches … Continue reading