Most professional development is a plan to fail because too many school districts do not take advantage of what we know about quality professional development. Typical professional development is more about the obligation to inform teachers about issues and prepare teachers for … Continue reading
Change Theory and Chaos Theory – Plan With Both in Mind
Change is a constant in our lives as nothing stays the same forever. Change is a constant phenomenon because the interplay of time and the human propensity to muck around mean that eventually even the most stalwart feature of our … Continue reading
Social Studies Education Mired in the Schlock
Huh? is an appropriate question when the status quo of schlock is deemed preferable to improving the education of generations of children. The Wisconsin Model Academic Standards for the Social Studies was written in the early 1980s and confirmed in … Continue reading
Words Determine a Child’s Future
Talking with young children is a treat. As Art Linkletter noted in his 1945-1969 radio and television series, “kids say the darndest things.” Bill Cosby later hosted a television special based upon this Linkletter quote. But, unlike Linkletter and Cosby, … Continue reading
Credibility Is Matching What You Expect With What You Get
When most of us purchase a new-to-us car, we expect that the car will have an engine and a transmission, four wheels that go around when the engine and transmission are engaged, and a compartment within which we can ride. … Continue reading