The adults say, “Millenial children. You intuit the use of technology. Bravo! It is difficult to imagine your generation without your ubiquitous connection to the digital universe.” The children raise their eyebrows without taking their eyes from the screens they … Continue reading
The Political Importance of “Sally, Down the Street”
“Sally” is the name we give to a local person who lives “down the street.” She is our figurative representation of the public at large. Often, when we are considering a proposition we want to present to the public we … Continue reading
Certified Reading Teachers in Every K-3 Classroom = A Good Decision
Put strong instructional resources where they can maximize later school success. School leaders in fourteen states are doing this by ensuring that all K-3 classroom teachers not only are highly qualified in elementary instruction but also are certified to teach … Continue reading
The Common Core Tests: A Test of Adult Integrity
The Common Core challenge this year is not for children taking the new academic tests aligned with the Core but for parents and teachers and politicians who must consider what the “re-centered” test scores say about students and education in … Continue reading
Leadership Longevity Is Tenuous
Leaders, who are not self-employed, live in a fragile world of employment security made increasingly more tenuous with each passing year. Making a career as a leader is a role to which many aspire but few will achieve longevity. Their … Continue reading