The Era of Struggling Productively

Children forever hear slogans and sayings about the virtue of hard work and perseverance. These are just three. “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” Babe Ruth “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, … Continue reading

School Success Requires Planning for A Bipolar Spring

Two quotes should be taped to the front entrance of every school house on the first school day in March. “It ain’t over til it’s over.” (Yogi Berra) “Somewhere there’s a score being kept …” (Bill Murray) This and the … Continue reading

Accountability Using Visual Contracting With Sub-Groups

Educational accountability places a premium on a teacher’s ability to close achievement gaps. For a myriad of reasons, the academic achievement data of children in your class are scattered on the score sheet. An effective teacher will take this scattergram … Continue reading

School Quality: High Outcomes and High Confidence

“How good is your local school?” There was a time when that question would cause the person you asked to break out with a rendition of the Beach Boys’ “Be True to Your School” and tell you that their school … Continue reading

Reading Proficiency Is A Must, Not A Matter of Priorities And Choices

Priorities and choices. Many things in life involve assessing priorities and making choices. On a personal level, most choices involve one person or small groups of people. The scope of options and the effect of choices are limited. On a … Continue reading