Us Is The Middle of We and They

Why is finding middle ground difficult? There are reasons. The first is that the generalizations that accompany positions on either side of the middle are easier to articulate and to empassion. The second is that from the middle you must counter … Continue reading

Be Truman-like When Engaging Criticism

We are admonished by President Truman, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” Heat in this context is the hot breath of criticism and the red-faced anger of disagreement inflicted upon those whose decisions are vulnerable … Continue reading

Morale: A Wavering Variable That Can Be Improved

Early in my working career, a venerable mentor told me, “If you think there is a problem, there is a problem until you either resolve it or decide, with new information, that it is not a problem. Your job now … Continue reading

School Choice Is Complicated And Intentional

One should not accept a blatantly generalized statement as Gospel, especially any statement ladened with politico-economic overtones. Parsing a person’s motives and self-interests is an important tool for screening generalizations for truth and untruth, transferability and usability. School choice is … Continue reading

If You Are Lost in the Lesson, Call a Time Out, Kiddo. It’s Okay

“Time out! Stop, take a breather, and let’s take a moment to talk about this.” In many games there are signals a player can make that says “Time out!” Athletes use their hands to make a letter “T” to stop … Continue reading