Baking bread is a matter of following a recipe. I pre-heat my oven stove to 450 degrees and place my Dutch oven on the middle rack. When the oven is heated, I place my properly mixed and raised dough in … Continue reading
Multiple Literacies Required
How literate are you? How literate should an educated person be in order to lead a full contemporary adult life? Literacy, the ability to read and write, is almost universal in the United States today. Although we quibble annually about … Continue reading
Moving the Needles of School Improvement Begins with the Teacher’s Needle
With all good reason we focus school accountability on the improvement of student achievement and accomplishments. The bottom lining in most discussions about education relates to children. School Report Cards measure student academic achievements in reading and math, promotion and … Continue reading
Don’t Be The Biggest Kid In The Classroom
Read, smile and realize “I know that.” That should be the response a teacher has to reading Sarah McKibben’s “Stay Calm and Teach On” article in ASCD’s Education Update. McKibben succinctly describes the practices of several veteran teachers who work … Continue reading
Whose Learning Needle Must Move? Every Child’s Learning Needle
What we say and what we do matters. If we believe that all children can and must learn, say it aloud and often and then cause it to happen. Imagine walking into a school classroom on Monday morning, looking at … Continue reading