Start A New School Year? Restart Continuous Instruction!

A new school year is new because it follows a summer recess and has a different annual number than the last school year. That’s all. If we overdo the concept of “new” and the fresh start to a “new experience”, … Continue reading

Retire Like You Worked – No Final Flurries

Important news for soon-to-be retirees. If you feel compelled to finish every task that you have been working on or to clear your desk of every item on your To Do List, don’t. Stop! Here are the reasons for leaving … Continue reading

Correct Learned Errors Or Live With The Consequences

Mulligans and do overs are feel good events. A do over means that a first attempt gone awry does not count – it never happened. One says, “There, that feels better” and progresses to the next opportunity to test one’s … Continue reading

Unabashed Recruitment of Future Teachers

How many teachers were valedictorians of their graduating class? Salutatorians? Top ten in their class? Being number one through ten in a graduating class is not a prerequisite for being a “top ten” teacher, but being an excellent student is … Continue reading

Unteach To Unlearn or Befriend Your Mistakes

“That’s wrong!” “Don’t do it that way!” “Stop! Don’t repeat that again.” Learning something new is a triumph. Learning, meaning the ability to internalize an idea so that one can recall, restate, compare and contrast the idea against other ideas, … Continue reading