Professionalism Is As Professionals Do

Professionalism is a way of thinking and working and being; it not a label to be applied or pealed off depending. When professionals play well together, school thrives. When they do not, school is a sandbox populated with malcontention. Continue reading

“Just Go Do” Goes Nowhere

Success favors the prepared applies to causing children to learn. If we work the problem, identify solutions AND train educators in how to implement the solutions, we are more likely to achieve our goals. If we don’t prepare, we get more of the same old. Continue reading

Reading Skills Proficiency or Critical, Mindful Reading – What is the Goal?

Annual assessments of a child’s development as a reader are necessary for quality teaching and learning. They are not the end goal. Instead, focus on well high school graduates demonstrate critical thinking through mindful reading. Continue reading

Teacher Tool Box: Some Teachers Have Sharper Tools

The sharpness of a teacher’s teaching tools differentiates those who can cause all children to learn from those who spend time with children in school. Continue reading

Lesson study: Sharpening Your Teaching Tools

Lesson plans are the small incremental steps to creating larger educational outcomes. A way to improve the quality of larger outcomes is to improve the quality of the small steps – lesson plans. Lesson studies are a proven strategy for improving lesson designs. Continue reading