School brags are about pride, recognizing school and student achievement and connecting current students with alumnae and the community while motivating younger students to continuing and new success. Every school has things it can brag about so brag away! Continue reading
Listening, Speaking and Arithmetic
Although schools and school organization were built and designed by prior generations, instruction of children must be geared to the here and now of their learning and language preferences. Generational shift is at play. Continue reading
No Will In USA To Be An International Leader In Student Achievement
Where there is a will there is a way – true. In the USA there is no will to improve the middling results of our students on the PISA assessments. Asian nations rank high because they make achievement on the PISA national priorities. Continue reading
When Everything Is An Equal Priority, Nothing Is A Priority
Schools are complex organizations and complex organizations require prioritization of focus and direction. Without priorities, any outcome will suffice and any outcome is not good enough. Continue reading
Without Assessment, Teaching Is A Guessing Game
Assessment is part of daily living. In school, it is essential to inform the teaching that each child needs next to achieve the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of their annual curricula. Without wise and exact assessment, education would be a guessing game. Continue reading