The majority of school faculty have less than five years experience in the classroom. Current practices squeeze veteran teachers into retirement for non-educational reasons. Instead, optimize your informed, nuanced veteran teachers as instructional “rain makers”. Continue reading
Prep Time: A Mismanaged Resource and Professional Bone of Contention
Improving daily schoolhouse practices that affect teacher professionalism is a strategy for improving the perception of teaching as a career and retaining veteran teachers. Continue reading
Leaders and Legacy: Work In Progress
Most school leaders are placeholders or doers. It is a choice. For doers, tenure average and change theory say time available and time necessary are not equal. If you want to make a difference, get working. Continue reading
No Bucks, No Buck Rogers. Bucks Launch Great Results
School boards that fund programs that meet only mandated and statutory requirements are achieving academic outcomes of inproficiency. Buck Rogers-like outcomes require boards to spend more bucks. It is a choice. Continue reading
Brag About Your School – Who Will Brag If You Won’t?
School brags are about pride, recognizing school and student achievement and connecting current students with alumnae and the community while motivating younger students to continuing and new success. Every school has things it can brag about so brag away! Continue reading