Teaching and Learning in the Time of COVID

Remote education, a new experience for most in public education, is a reality and a game changer that will modify teaching and learning for years after COVID 19. Continue reading

The Butterflies Are Loose; Help the Unexpected to Find Flight

A little chaos can be a wonderful opportunity to find an unexpected and unpredicted consideration of what education can be when it cannot be normal or usual. Be open to creativity as you stay well. Continue reading

A School Year Is Long Enough To …

A school year is the length of time to teach an annual curriculum. Instructional time is our most valuable commodity in causing all children to achieve learning competence. Discussion of school year length must be based upon educational rationales and not politics, economics or personal preferences. Learning takes time. Continue reading

Meddling, Muddling, Modeling Not Middling

Everything changes. The question is – what do we understand about change and how can we be players in the changes as they occur. Continue reading

Good Teaching and Good Schooling Grow a Whole Child

If you talk about improving student academic performance today, invariably someone will say “We need to be more concerned with the whole child than just test scores”. The comment is meant to dissolve the discussion of objective curricular performance by … Continue reading