Where In The World Is My Teacher? He Is A Waldo

A remote education expands schoolhouse and school district boundaries. A licensed and qualified teacher can be anywhere and conduct remote teaching and learning. A Waldo is a necessary solution in the time of COVID. Continue reading

School Opening Decisions At The Right Pay Grade

Schools open or closed during the pandemic is a big deal and political and economic leaders want to make a decision that is rightfully the jurisdiction of a local school board. Continue reading

Occupandi temporis dociles!

Remote education is causing teachers to examine teaching born out of emergency and find new instructional practices for the future. Continue reading

Mommy, Daddy. What Did You Do During the Pandemic of 2020?

Without implying humor, the event of a pandemic cannot be wasted. In a summer of no structured activity for school children, encourage them to write their personal history. It will be a gift to their children and grandchildren. Continue reading

Summering After Remoting: Now to Next

The effects of our loss of in-school instruction must be known through data rather than conjecture. We will not know how the COVID-slide affected the summer slide until next fall. Planning for post-school closure should be based upon student learning data. Continue reading