The Internet is not as ubiquitous as we think. Too many homes have no or very poor connectivity. Add the closure of day care centers. The result leaves children at home, without Internet and without adult supervision. Enter the homebound teacher. With masking and social distancing, a homebound teacher can keep children engaged in continuous education. Continue reading
Remote Education and Communicating with a Teacher
The Time of COVID disrupts every aspect of teaching and learning, including how children and parents communicate with teachers after school hours. This communication is essential. Creating respectful and responsible guidelines can benefit everyone. Continue reading
Lesson Design in the Time of COVID
A lesson design for teaching students in-school does not transfer easily to teaching student remotely. The Hunter Lesson Design can be disassembled into chunks for on-line teaching that ensures that students learn the lesson correctly the first time and do not require reteaching. Continue reading
In the Time of COVID, If We Value an Equitable and Equal Education for All Children, No Option is No Option
An equitable and equal educational opportunity for every child must be ensured in every school’s for student instruction in the Time of COVID. Continue reading
September’s Dilemma
When disparate arguments are equally sound, it is difficult to reach a decision that satisfies every point of each argument. If we are to have school in September, we need to find commonalities is our arguments and build upon those. Continue reading