Opening a school year usually is a single, forthright plan for teaching and learning. In the Time of COVID, one plan is not enough. Schools need multiple plans and the ability to move quickly among plans. Continue reading
Teaching in the Time of COVID – One Of Our Finest Hours
Students of the Time of COVID are our Apollo 13 challenge. What some predict as an educational disaster can be one of our finest hours. Continue reading
Hypocrisy: Know Its Bounds
There was no game plan for schools and COVID. Making a valid plan for local schools requires listening to all and making a decision for all. Without attention to the work, hypocrisies can run wild. Board members must know their bounds. Continue reading
Lessons That Keep On Teaching
Recording lessons in the Time of COVID may be a wonderful resource for students and teachers. Students can see and hear the original lesson if they were absent or missed something or want a pre-test review. Recorded lessons are gold for teacher lesson studies. Continue reading
A Need for Principal Leadership and Supervision of Instruction in the Time of COVID
School principals in the Time of COVID are at the center of everything in a school. Beyond protocols, the principal is the key player in assuring a quality of teaching and learning to prevent the current generation of children from losing the education they need. Continue reading