The School That Will Be Cannot Be The School That Was

Children know the pandemic school they return to is not the school they left last March. Some will not return unless we shape the school that will be by what we are learning in the pandemic. Continue reading

What Did We Learn? Lesson #7: At-Home Learning Workshops

As we suspend so many realities during pandemic teaching, we also need to reconceptualize. A child’s at-home school work area is her learning workshop. Most classroom tropes do not apply. Continue reading

What Did We Learn? Lesson #6: Teachers And Classrooms Have Come A Long Way, Baby!

Remote education has moved teaching and learning from the historic classroom to the contemporary instructional studio. Concurrent teaching to in-school and at-home learners is a game changer. Continue reading

What Did We Learn? Lesson #5 – Teaching Today Requires A Rethought Teacher Prep

Changes in how we prepare teachers were growing pre-pandemic and have become more demanding within the pandemic. We can do this. Continue reading

What Did We Learn? Lesson #4 – The Value, Cost and Worth of an Education

The pandemic causes us to consider the value, cost and worth of an education. The answer to each is different and and all three are informative to what we are willing to do to teach and learn. Continue reading