School Board Work Is A Wonderful Responsibility

School boardsmanship requires respect and integrity, a search for sound information, being informed about and by your school, standing for the quality education of all children, and a focus on policy and practice. It is a wonderful responsibility. Continue reading

Leadership Longevity Is Tenuous

Leadership is transactional. You must lead both those who want to be led and those who do not. Outcomes can be fractious. Longevity in a position is hard to achieve. Continue reading

Change And Institutionalization Are Inevitable

Change and institutionalization are constants and inevitable. If you want to be a change agent, know how change theory works and how institutions defend against change. Continue reading

The “Community”. Who Exactly Is this?

To know what the community values and wants you must know who the community is. There are many communities in a community. Continue reading

Room For Many On The High Ground

Find and support the highest ideals for your aspirations then move over so that others can join you in elevating your school to higher ground. Continue reading