Contention is understood when we consider the validity of different perspectives. Contention also is accepted while we agree on many more issues. Continue reading
“When You Know What Is Right, Try To Do It” – A Mantra For Leadership
Conflicting special interests complicate decision making. However, when the right thing to do becomes apparent, leadership should try to do it. Continue reading
Civility – Another COVID Casualty
The pandemic is a medical/health crisis of planetary proportions. It also is a crisis to our community and its civility. When disagreements about the virus become angers and angers color what we say and do, the pandemic claims another casualty. Continue reading
The Start of the 21-22 School Year Depends Upon Your #1
The pandemic continues. Contention about school protocols continues. How you view these depends upon your #1 priority. Continue reading
Educating Children: “The hard is what makes it great”
The pre-pandemic is gone and there is no getting it back. The 2021-22 school year requires the hard work of emerging from health protocols and re-engaging in the person-to-person business of educating children. Continue reading