Public education is the backbone of our nation. It is how we pass our culture and society to future generations. We cannot allow that passing to be distorted by political interests. Children need to be taught to think, not what to think. Continue reading
We Are Born To Hear; We Must Be Taught To Listen
The difference between hearing and listening is the difference between noise and a symphony. We hear the noise; we listen to what the music says to us. A major part of our work is teaching all children to listen. Continue reading
Righting the Second R
Writing is not scary because it tells others what you know. Not writing is scarier because it says you may not know anything. Write and express yourself! Continue reading
To Be Visible or Not to Be, That Is The Question
A student can skate through a school day and never be engaged in their instruction. It is a learned behavior we can change. Continue reading
Tighten The Lug Nuts of Learning
Children in school are not tourists on a year-long field trip seeing and learning what they can as time flies past. Successful learning is taking the steps and time needed to secure student learning of essential annual outcomes. Continue reading