Consultant Services

Referendum Elections

Dr. Seyfer has first-hand experience in leading successful school district referenda for revenue limit override funding and the sale of bonds for district projects.  See   Search for the Gibraltar Area Schools and request all referenda results.  He can assist school boards in their

  • analysis of referendum needs,
  • structuring referendum resolutions,
  • developing referendum support strategies, and
  • managing referendum projects.

Instructional Analysis, Design and Reform

Dr. Seyfer has leadership experience in

  • assisting faculty to identify school wide, grade level, and disaggregated student group learning/performance objectives,
  • observing instructional practices and correlating various academic achievement records with current pedagogies,
  • coaching individual teachers in the strengthening of instructional designs, and
  • mentoring individual teachers in instruction that improves student academic achievement.

Setting  and Building Leadership Vision

Dr. Seyfer has successful administrative experience in creating short- and long-term visions for school boards and administrative teams and building community understanding and support of sequential visions.

Special Projects

Dr. Seyfer currently is consulting with CESA 7 in a multi-year project to “Rethink/Reinvent CESA 7 and Member District Support Service Needs and Delivery Systems.”