Be Patient – Let Life Unfold

What do you say to children who are in a hurry?  They want quick, short answers immediately and erupt when others in class ask “dumb” or time-wasting questions.  They are not alone.  The attention span of people in general, and children specifically, grows shorter and a need for instant gratification grows greater as the speed of life increases.  Yet we know that the development of enduring learning takes time.  Memory is a process that is strengthened with correct practice and timely repetitions.  When we couple a child’s petulance with cultural quickening, the concept of time needed for teaching and learning is severely challenged.  As an educator, sometimes the best reply to the need for speed is – be patient, let life unfold.

What do we know?

Teaching and learning are encapsulated in educational standards.  There is a set of standards for every subject and age of child from birth through graduation in our public education system.  National and professional organizations create documents of best practices for teacher preparation, daily instruction, and student learning outcomes.  Course guides provide teachers with a template to assure teaching and learning stays within the markers of relevant standards.  Standards are the curriculum. 

We also know that the pace of school life today is quick.  Our usual teaching model is to instruct, practice, assess and evaluate, re-instruct, if necessary, and move on to the next instruction.  Everything is forward leaning.  Hence, when we are faced with learning that requires time for consideration, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis, the time needed for learning can stretch the expected timetable.  Adding the needed time to ensure all children successfully learn causes conflicts with the expected routine of teach and test.  As a linear construct, teaching and learning are on a timetable.  And it is a fast timetable of September to June.

Patience is not a standard.

Besides academic standards we also teach so-called “soft standards”.  Soft standards, such as cooperation, collaboration, group processes, and role playing are stitched together with academic standards in our course guides.  Patience, however, is not a designated student learning outcome.  A search of curricular standards, the Common Core for example, will not disclose the learning goal of “patience”. 

What is patience?

Patience is the ability to wait with an internal calm.  Patience is a tolerance for waiting for uncertainty to be clarified.  Patience implies that, given time and opportunity, things will change, and understanding will be developed.  Our classic role model for a patient person is Job who tolerated multiple trials over time in the belief that God eventually would favor him and his lineage.  Job-like patience requires a person to believe that things will work out as they should in the end. 

Teachers are admonished to be patient with children.  We have hints and tips about how to be patient with students but no curriculum for teaching a child to be patient.  Patience is a soft skill that lies in the disposition of personal traits that we want all to have.  We treat patience as an innate personal trait that matures but is not a taught and learned skill.  Patience comes with patience!

The inverse of patience is impatience, and we more clearly understand patience by knowing what it is not.  Consider the last time you were impatient.  Impatience is stressful, causes anxiety, quickens the pulse, and raises blood pressure.  Impatience demands immediacy.  Impatience breeds anger.  Patience is being calm and waiting in a traffic jam for cars to start moving; impatience is road rage.

Persistence is linked with patience.  We often tell children “Try to do it again” in the belief that success comes with subsequent efforts.  Corrective teaching assists children to find success in second and third attempts.  We often use persistence to achieve learning outcomes without tying eventual success to learned patience.

Patience with what?

Patience always is within a context.  We can assist children with three kinds of patience. 

  • Patience with self.  Inherent in patience with self is the Greek maxim, “know thyself”.  To know oneself is to be aware of inner feelings, strengths, and weaknesses, and of personal goals.  Just as we adjust the thermostat in a room to regulate air temperature, acknowledging one’s inner self assists a person to regulate how they respond to situations in and not in their control.  Self-knowledge clarifies that a particular action is or is not in a person’s best interest. 

Patience with self assures that what a person does today is attuned with their immediate and future goals.  A patient person does not act in the immediacy just to act but acts with the assurance that action is justified and aligned with intentions.  Being patient and calm is an intellectual and emotional decision to be so.  It is not easy but takes self-regulation to remain around the norms of being patient and calm. 

  • Patience with others.  Patience with others also requires self-control.  School-age children are constantly tugged by what they want for themselves and what others want of and for them.  Self-control is the measure by which a child balances her own needs with needs impressed upon her by others.  Like impatience, we better understand self-control by its inverse of being controlled and manipulated by others.  It is impossible for a child who constantly reacts and responds to the needs and demands of others to be patient and calm with herself. 

A patient child says, “Let’s wait and see” more frequently than “Giddy up; let’s go!”. 

Personal relationships are critical for a child’s healthy development.  Relationships start with family members and quickly include peers at school.  The balance a child achieves in valuing daily interactions with parents and siblings and with school peers is essential for a calm and patient child.  Minding and respecting parents is innate for young children.  Getting along with siblings is a strong second in family life. 

A child’s relationships with peers can be a jungle.  Too often children create anxiety and stress over the words and actions of their peers.  A child who overvalues peer relations struggles with self-control because self-worth is measured by peer acceptance.  It is impossible for a child who is constantly measuring self-worth by their peers to be calm and patient.  Impatience multiplies with the use of social media’s potential for instant response and constant engagement, but peers play the game of ghosting.  Jungle may be too kind a metaphor.

Patience with others can be contagious but most often is met with impatience from others.  A patient and self-regulating child understands.

  • Patience with the world.  Children chronically want to grow up faster than their years allow.  They want not only a drivers license but a sporty car.  They want to be on winning teams that do not spend a lot of time practicing.  They want good grades with a minimum of studying.  They see themselves as older than they are.  Each of these statements illustrates a child’s relationship with the world.  Childhood is impatient. 

While children study and gain knowledge of geologic and pre-historic times, they do not conceive of the passage of time in months, years, decades, and centuries.  Anything that happened before their birth was “long ago”. 

Patience with the world requires a child to see the constant passage of time like watching a chemical reaction in a test tube.  Some reactions are instantaneous, and others are very slow and take time.  A patient child knows the difference and is comfortable knowing that change requires its own timetable.

Patience is not ambivalence.

Don’t wait for the sake of waiting.  Being patient is not foregoing or losing track of personal goals.  It is easy for the overly patient to be considered ambivalent.  A healthy disposition contains a tension between patience and steady progress in goal attainment.  Thomas Edison taught us that success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.  Success takes a consistent work effort and patient work keeps a child’s focus on the desired goals.  Edison found that his patient, steady efforts produced his creativity.

Let life unfold.

Notwithstanding predestination and evolutionary theories, Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 tells us there is a time and a season for everything under the heavens.  Patience and goal attainment let the world and life unfold before us.  Unfolding is not an accident.  Unfolding is not passive.  It is shaped by doing what is within one’s control while waiting for what is not in one’s control to happen.  Unfolding requires trust that reasonable goals will be attained.   But unfolding takes time and comfort with time is patience.

The Big Duh!

Teaching patience per se is difficult.  Modeling patience is easier.   Teaching the cognitive skills required as steppingstones for goal achievement sneakily teaches children the value of patience and endurance.  We can use class time to inspect and consider, to analyze and evaluate, and to synthesize what is known into personal understanding.  When we act patiently and allow learning to unfold we demonstrate what it means to be patient – let life unfold. 

Saying No to What Is Not Right Is Always Right

We mocked it and made it into a gag line, but we still remember what Nancy Reagan asked us to do forty years ago.  “Just say no”.  It was the 1980s and there was a national war on drugs.  A personal statement of “No, not me” was her encouragement to the youth of that time to abstain from using illegal drugs.  A simple, clear, and non-argumentative statement is powerful in declaring where a person stands on an issue.  Public education today is confronted with numerous hot button issues.  As educators we are required to be agnostic in our instruction of children; we inform but do not proselytize.  Yet there are essential issues today that require a “Just say no”.  Saying no to what is not right is always the right thing to do.

Say no to bullying of all types.  We have been properly sensitized over time to recognize bullying and harassment in school.  We have policies and procedures to correct those who bully and harass the vulnerable.  We know how to deal with classic bullies and harassers.  Recently we are confronted with non-physical and non-verbal behaviors, like ghosting, that damage a vulnerable child as much as a punch from the meanest playground bully.  When children are active in social media, it is easy for a bully to lead gullible groupies in ghosting or raising digital innuendo about a targeted child.  We see children at school who clearly are victimized although we see and hear no typical bullying behavior.  This is silent bullying.  Vulnerable children are targets for more sophisticated bullying and we need to say no to these machinations.

Say no to book banning.  This is quite simple.  Books and media portray and represent ideas and information that have value for intellectually informing student minds.  Just as a collection of books presents a range of readability levels, so ideas and information in books and media are available for the different intellectual and personal maturity levels of children.  As soon as a parent says that a book or item of media is not appropriate for their child, I say, “Great!  Tell your child not to read or look at it.  Be the parent your child needs”.  Parents and other adults who demand that library collections conform to their personal values need to hear a simple and non-argumentative “no”.  A parent can direct her child on what materials are appropriate for her child; she is not the parent of all children in the school.  Sadly, the issue of access to materials is more about parenting and power demonstrations than about library collections.

Say no to making any children second class or ignored students.  Purposefully not educating children is not new organizational behavior in our schools.  Historically, the majority or those in positions of power denigrated groups of people based on race and ethnicity. 

From the beginning, there was no consideration of educating American Indian children until decisions were made within the last century to create Indian schools for the purpose of “teaching out” any semblance of Indian culture in their children.  This was bad practice based on political motivation.

Enslaved children were prevented from learning to read or write.  In the post-emancipation era segregated schools for black children were the rule in southern and border states.  While desegregation was national policy in the post-civil rights era, today we observe re-segregation based upon parent choice.  In southern states and affluent northern urban communities choice policies allow parents to create publicly-funded charter schools for selected student membership.  By law, any parent may apply for enrollment, but charter school policies allow these elite schools to expel children without cause or redress.  The result is a resegregated school.

Today we observe state governors and legislatures discriminating against LGBTQ+ children with laws that refuse to accept any gender identity or role other than that of biological birth.  Like Indian and enslaved children, LGBTQ+ are being discriminated against with politically motivated policy. 

Say no to all behaviors that segregate or discriminate against children for any reason.  The quality of our national character often is inadequate to prevent us from doing organizational harm to selected groups of children.  Every instance of organizational discrimination that is ignored creates an opportunity for more discriminatory behavior.   No one can make discrimination a right thing to do.  Say no to all discriminatory practices in public education.

Say “no not me” when someone says, “everyone agrees that we should…” and you are not everyone.  The herd mentality lives on today.  I observe parents at board meetings who are passive when a parent speaker says, “everyone here agrees with me that we should…”.  Passive parents who do not agree give apparent weight to false representations. 

Herd behavior also lives in faculty and staff meetings.  When a colleague says, “I speak for our faculty (or department or grade level) and you do not agree with what the colleague represents as your position on an issue, just say “no, this does not represent what I think”.  Every time you remain silent in your disagreement, someone thinks you agree.  Say “no, not me”.

In our hotter political climate, those who break from the herd may be reproached by herd leaders.  However, it is right to say “I don’t agree” when you do not agree with the herd. 

Just as saying no to things that are not right, we must say yes to things that are right.

Say yes to programs that provide security for all children.  Say yes to all issues like food security that impact the health and safety of children.  The post-pandemic economy stretches the distance between families with ample resources and those without.  Food safety networks that gave every child a cost-free school lunch everyday are gone.  Subsidized networks that provide winter coats, hats, and boots are closing as subsidies expire.  Extended Internet capacities that were essential for distance learning are withdrawing free service and calling in pandemic-provided hardware.  

Children who suffer food insecurity, insufficient seasonal clothing, and lack of home technologies begin every school day behind their more fortunate classmates.  Once behind, it is ever more difficult to catch up.  Say yes to programs that are networks for needy and insecure children.

Say yes to evidence-based instruction that ensures all children are proficient readers.  And say yes to evidence-based instruction in all school curricula.  The erupting support for Science of Reading instruction ended several decades of disorientation in our reading programs.  I observed too many children being taught a reading curriculum that the teacher “liked”.  We need to eradicate “like” as a criterion for selecting any instructional program.  Say no to programs based upon “I like this one” and yes to evidence-based programs.

Arguments against phonics-based reading instruction abounded during the decades-long reading wars.  Whole language and blended programming was “liked” because they were popular, provided abundant class materials, and did not require teachers to understand phonics.  Popularity ignored the fact that non-intuitive readers did not learn to read, develop powerful vocabularies, or understand language structures.  Popularity also ignored the fact that teachers beginning classroom careers in the 90s and early 2000s did not know phonics.  They were not taught to read using phonics and their teacher preparation programs did not teach to use phonics in reading instruction for children.  Today we have decisive evidence that phonics-based reading instruction is the best practice for all children.  When the evidence is clear, say yes.

Say yes to an inclusive, four A education for all children.  A Four A education provides all children with opportunities to learn and grow in their school’s academic, activity, arts, and athletics programs.  Independently these A letter programs appeal to the individual child’s natural tendencies and interests.  Some children thrive in school because they are driven by academic learning.  They climb the curricular ladder into AP-leave courses and rigorous electives because learning success begets more learning success.  Other children thrive due to their involvement in the activity and club life of their school.  In our local schools large numbers of children engage in Destination Imagination, forensics, Mock Trial, and DECA.  They thrive in challenging problem-solving and performance-based activities.  Other children are driven by the arts.  Vocalists, instrumentalists, painters, potters, jewelers, and doodlers find their passion in school rehearsal halls and studios.  Athletics appeals to almost all children at one time or another and intramural and interscholastic sports give children opportunities to develop and display their talents.

Inclusive four A programs ensure a balanced school life for children.  Inclusive ensures that one A does not dominate a school to the detriment of other A’s.  And being a four A school assures intentional practices that grow with the changing student population.

Say yes to planning and funding and supporting these programs that grow student success knowing that success now begets future successes.

It is easy to be moot in the world of public education.  The life and times of a school are constantly changing.  Because of this, it is all the important to say no to things that are not right and to say yes to things that are right.  Speaking up and taking a stand on key issues where saying no or yes matters is how we assure the best education for our children today and tomorrow.

No Blinders on US History Curriculum

US history or US histories, that is the question.  Is my story your story?  Is there a single story?  Can there be multiple stories woven into a broader telling of a national history?  What role do blinders play in our history?  What should we teach our children?  Who says?

What do we know about US history?

The course title reads United States History.   I taught this course and supervised its instruction.  Our classic US History textbooks told our national story beginning with European exploration and colonization, revolution and establishment of a constitutional republic, westward expansion, civil war, industrialization, world wars, civil rights, and, depending on publication date, some contemporary stories.  All supplemental materials used to teach our history to children supported this chronicle of our American pride and spirit.  US history was Eurocentric and comfortably fit the concepts of our 20th century nationalism. 

We taught and students learned what Winston Churchill meant when he said, “History is written by the victors”.  Our history curriculum in school has been the story of how English-speaking people spread across the middle of North America and established a government, economic system, and society to sustain the victor’s heritage.  The victors place the blinders.

My family lineage parallels traditional US history.  We immigrated from Holland, intermarried with English colonists and fought in the Revolutionary War.  As the settled frontier moved west, so did we.  In 1849 a great-grandfather joined the California Gold Rush and returned to Wisconsin with enough riches to buy land and establish a growing family on multiple farms.  By 1900 we were college-educated and mobile.  We worked in FDR’s federal agriculture department and fought in WW2.  We thrived as the Silent and Greatest Generations and Baby-Boomers.  We are middle-class America personified and we find our story told and explained in a US History text.

But our story does not mirror that of almost 50% of Americans today.  Many of the children I taught and learned from cannot find their family story in a US History text.  “I do not see myself or my family represented in US History” is a complaint that educators knew existed for decades and only recently have begun to address.  After all, we say to children, “This is the history of our country”, the first thing children do is to look for faces, names, and stories that are like their own.  As soon as we ask children to find themselves in our national history we recognize multiple stories within our history.

As examples, our history text tells that enslaved African labor created the southern plantation culture and economy.  The Civil War was fought to free the slaves and resulted in amendments to the Constitution.  Reconstruction brought Jim Crow laws and segregation in the south.  Martin Luther King led the civil rights movement and was assassinated.  Jackie Robinson was the first Black player in Major League Baseball and Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods each transformed their respective sports.  And Barack Obama was our first Black President.

For a century the only mention of American Indians in our texts was Pocahontas, Squanto, Sacajawea, and Sitting Bull.  Pocahontas saved John Smith and married and introduced tobacco to London.  Squanto taught the Pilgrims to use fish as fertilizer and sat at the first Thanksgiving.  Sacajawea guided Lewis and Clarke’s expedition over the Rocky Mountains.  Sitting Bull led the Sioux in the Battle of Little Big Horn and the death of Custer. 

The story of Hispanic people in the text is one of losses.  The Alamo and Mexican War of 1846-48 led to the annexation of Texas and all the territory between the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific.  (A student needed to visualize the states formed by the Purchase to understand this.)  Simon Bolivar was the George Washington of South America.

Asians get equal short shrift.  Chinese workers built the Central Pacific railroad from California to Promontory Point, Utah, to join with the Union Pacific and form our first transcontinental railroad.  And Japanese Americans were interred during WW2. 

A traditional US History text fit the political-cultural realities of our pre-civil rights eras.  That text conformed to the victors theory.  Times changed.  This is a woke story but a reality story.  The Declaration of Independence acknowledged certain unalienable rights held by all (men according to the Founding Fathers).  Stories of how Americans came to share their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness cannot be blindered in their telling.

Historical versions

If you don’t like what is showing on your media screen, change providers.  If it is television, change channels.  If it is a history text, change texts.  Even among the victors there are different tellings of the same stories.  Depending on your state, the adopted US History text is selected according to the telling that appeals to state legislators who make the ultimate decisions regarding school text adoptions.  In the textbook market, California and Texas spend the most money on state adoptions.  US History in these two states reflects how they want US History to be taught to their school children.  These are state-approved blinders, and they contradict the rights of all Americans to understand their stories.

How does the story of our history fit our nation today?

We are no longer white/European.  Our population mass is shifting from white/non-Hispanic to a reflection of the melting pot our nation was destined to become.  So says the plaque at the foot of the Statue of Liberty written by Emma Lazarus, daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants.

“As of 2019, the current distribution of the U.S. population by race and ethnicity is:

  • White/non-Hispanic: 60.1%
  • Hispanic: 18.5%
  • Black: 12.2%
  • Asian: 5.6%
  • Multiple Races: 2.8%
  • American Indian/Alaska Native: .7%
  • Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander: .2%”

Within the next decade White/non-Hispanic people will no longer be the majority race/ethnicity.  The aggregated majority will be people of color.

More importantly, all in our census are citizens of the United States.  In the collective, we are Americans.  This is true of the census of our people but not of the US History of our people.  Our history curriculum does not tell the stories of our American people.

Cognitive Dissonance

What do we do when we know disparate things to be true?  Psychologists call this cognitive dissonance.  We experience discomfort and angst when confronted with dissonance.  In this case, our textual history does not accurately reflect our real histories or our histories does not tell the story we want to be told.

Dissonance can cause us to

  • learn more about conflicting ideas in order to resolve a best understanding.
  • affirm our version of a story and attack anyone who holds a conflicting version.
  • create new versions that further strengthen our ideas and attack any other version.

And this is where we are today.  These three actions are taking place in and around our classrooms as adherents deal with their own and our societal dissonance. 

Some use the attack strategy claiming that any story other than the mainstreamed story written by the victors is unAmerican.  They make the issue partisan and divisive.  Texts and materials that do not support the victor story are suppressed and removed from school.  Blinders abound.

Some use the revision and new version strategies.  They cite the Founding Fathers wanting decisions today to be based on the ideas and constraints of the 1700s.  The Fathers truly were a narrow slice of the census of their time – wealthy, landed, Christian, white, and male.  Or they rewrite history to give the victors a moralistic superiority over the vanquished.  Our history is a natural selection and progression process.  More blinders.

And some understood one of the concepts they were taught in their school’s US History class.  The United States is a melting pot of peoples.  There is no dominant story to support one group of citizens over the interests of others.  To be understood and celebrated, the good, bad, and the ugly, history cannot have blinders.

The Big Duh!

The motto of the United States has been and is today e pluribus unum.  It is Latin meaning “out of many, one”.  US History taught to children today needs to be the truthful telling of the many stories that represent all the people who make up our one nation.  The melting pot is only getting larger and more complex.  Any child who does not hear and learn from the many stories is condemned to a severe dissonance problem.  A nation that does not learn from its history is condemned to repeat it.  We are smarter than that.

We Are Short of Licensed Teachers Who Want to Teach

When you don’t plan for your next generation, you are assured you will evolve into obscurity if not extinction.  Aspects of our culture go missing over time.  Then existed then, over time, their need dissolved and poof!   They are no more.  Consider these areas of employment – telephone operators, elevator operators, gandy dancers, phrenologists, redsmiths, scissor grinders, telegraphists, lamplighters, soda jerks, lectors, town criers, film projectionists, log drivers, and milkmen.  The need for these employments once was and is no longer.  They drifted to obscurity then elimination.  Evolution in the world of work and the elimination of fields of work is real. Our teaching crisis is that we are short of teachers who want to teach.

Extinction takes many forms.  For the dodo bird, extinction meant elimination – there are no dodo birds today.  Through a combination of hunting, deforestation, and purposeful destruction of dodo nests, these birds that were first identified by explorers in the early 1500s were gone by 1681.  Poof!  While the existence of the dodo was in human hands, not the bird’s, they continue to be a landmark in the reality of extinction. 

Obscurity then extinction – will public education teachers be next?  Obscurity is when the primary function of school is day care for children; extinction is when any adult can be a day care provider. 

What do we know.

We know these two facts:

  1. More people are leaving the educational profession than are entering.  The profession has a current gap of almost 70% in the number of teachers quitting, retiring, and moving on compared to the number of new teachers beginning work in the field. 
  2. There are more persons in Wisconsin with valid teaching and other educational licenses than the number of educators currently employed PLUS current and anticipated job openings.  We have an abundance of licensed educators.  However, licensed educators do not choose educational employment.

Hence these questions.  If we have an abundance of dodo birds, why are we experiencing a shortage of dodo birds?  Why do we have an abundance of licensed teachers and a shortage of teachers in classrooms?  Why do people spend the time and resources necessary to gain an educational license and then choose not to be employed as educators?

Why is this thus?

Teaching in public education is on the drifting list.  There is a shortage of teachers in most states leading to either larger and larger classes for an employed teacher or increased numbers of students taught by an unprepared teacher.  There is a clear shortage of teachers with specific licenses, special education being the teacher hardest to find.  Math and science and computer technology are close followers in the shortage market. 

Why?  Compensation has been and continues to be a real downside to teaching.  The source of teacher pay in most states is through legislative funding and state funding is always political.  Legislators balance state budgets by controlling educational spending, one of a state’s largest annual expenditures.  Clearly, teacher pay was not keeping up with the cost of living prior to our current national economic inflation woes and suffers greater discrepancy now.  Teachers chronically lose spending power.  Teachers are choosing to leave classrooms for employment that pays more.

Second, education is being beaten up politically.  Politicians are making education a partisan campaign battle topic.  Conservative legislation dictates what teachers can teach and cannot teach, how they may address children, and threaten teachers with prosecution and loss of license for teaching unapproved subjects.  Some teachers are being bullied out of their profession. 

Third, the deficits of student learning loss in the pandemic put teachers on the hot seat for an impossible speedy recovery of lost learning.  The financial cliff of federal pandemic dollars to schools will cause many recently added school positions to be discontinued due to no continuing local funding.  Tutors and interventionists and additional teaching positions will be terminated.  And the pressure for current teachers to make good on all mandates, all requirements, and all political entreaties within the historical structure of school is causing more teachers to seek other employment. 

Finally, teachers suffer from the “pile on” effect.  75% of departing teachers cite their being overworked and under appreciated as their real reason for quitting teaching.  Piling on happens in many ways.

Going back two decades, No Child Left Behind began a trend of government mandates with the expectations of “do this or be replaced”.  State assessments in reading and math became a school’s annual report card.  Art, music, PE, shop, marketing, technology, computer science, agriculture, and world language teachers all were told to incorporate ELA, reading, and math in their daily instruction in order to raise school test scores. 

Across time family and school relationships have drastically changed.  The number of homes with two working parents struggling economically has significantly increased parallel to a decrease in parental supervision of children doing schoolwork at home.  This is not a complaint about parents but a statement about new realities.  Classroom teachers spend more daily time with a child than the child’s parents.  Teachers have become frontline care takers and surrogates for parents. 

Teacher shortages mean teachers in school needed to assume additional assignments and responsibilities.  The most egregious of these are non-instructional duties, such as recess, lunch, and bus duties, but also more before and after school tutoring for students who need extra time.  These are things that absent teachers used to do.  Every extra duty subtracts from teachers’ workday time for planning, correcting and grading student work, professional meetings, and communication with parents.  Planning, correcting and grading, and communicating are essential work so teachers do these from home.

A teacher’s time for home and family life has been greatly eroded by piling on.  What is billed and contracted as an 8:00 am to 4:00 pm job, now is a 7:00 am to 9:00 pm job.  There is the 8:00 to 4:00 school day with seven or more hours of assigned duties and there is the before and after schoolwork at home necessary to be a complete teacher.  Work life reduces home life for teachers.

Teachers’ resignations are not equally distributed.  Resignations are greater among:

Young teachers.  They are lowest on the compensation scale, carry undergraduate debt, face housing scarcity, and are not seasoned to the realities of teaching today.  They also have the least to lose in a career change early in life.

Teachers in low-income districts.  Resources matter.  When the common response to an inquiry is, “We don’t have that in our district” or “We cannot afford to do that”, it does not take long for teachers to seek employment in districts with needed resources.

Teachers in districts with high diversity.  Diversity equals educational challenges.  There are more non-English languages spoken, more cultural nuances, more special needs students, and more non-educational struggles.  Teaching in high diversity districts requires more than teaching from teachers.

Resignations create the greatest havoc in districts that have the greatest difficulty in recruiting new teachers.

Where schools and classrooms are empty due to diminishing enrollment, there also will be schools and classrooms empty due to diminishing numbers of prepared teachers.

What can we do about this thusness?

  • Compensation is the easy yet wrong answer.  Teacher compensation needs to keep pace with costs of living.  No more and no less.  Why would those in charge argue differently?  Well, there are reasons but that is for another day.
  • Beyond compensation, restructure the work so that the right work, causing all children to learn, can be accomplished.  Do these:
  • Maintain class sizes of 20-25 children.  Although the STAR studies indicated class sizes around 15, there was no compelling research to support such small class sizes.  A class of 20-25 gives school leaders enough flexibility to manage enrollment.  More importantly, a teacher can effectively instruct 20 to 25 children, create positive daily interaction with each, understand the individual learning needs of each, and still utilize whole group instruction as appropriate.  The “paper” load for 20 – 25 is manageable.  The parent contact requirements are manageable.  In many urban schools, 20 – 25 reduces their current daily student assignment by 40% or more.
  • Invest in classroom teachers for initial instruction and level two interventions.  Assign current interventionists to classroom teaching.  Too many dollars are spent in correcting and filling in after-initial teaching.  The hiring of interventionists assumes failed initial instruction.  With proper class sizing and planning time regular teaching can resolve student lapses in learning.
  • Make planning and prep time real and inviolate.  Assign each classroom teacher a minimum of 90 minutes of daily prep time.  This does not include before and after school time as that is when professional meetings occur.  Before and after school time also must be reserved for student and parent access.  90 minutes of uninterrupted prep time allows a teacher to ensure clear and targeted lesson plans, quality feedback on student work, and planning that accommodates all student needs.
  • Extend the annual teaching contract to include 20 days of summer curriculum and teaching development time.  Inserting PD as stand-alone days in the school year is absurd; it is lip service to the school board’s obligation to provide PD.  We wouldn’t expect children to profit from a stand-alone day of essential teaching and learning.  Summer PD provides accountable educational in-service as administrators and teachers have adequate time for professional training, collegial interaction, and practice/reinforcement of new training.  Everything we know about teaching children should be applied to teacher in-service.
  • Assure that teaching is politically agnostic.  There is no place for partisan politics in the education of children.  Our goal is to cause all children to have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for each to be an informed and problem-solving adult.  In the now, we need to stand against partisanship that would tell us what to teach and what not to teach based upon political positions and political retribution. 

The Big Duh!

These are seven bullet points that make a difference between a teacher being in the classroom and being in another profession.  Much like the dodo bird that what made extinct by how people and the culture of the time treated it, classroom teachers are responding to how people and the culture of today treat them.  We can leave things in the current status quo and watch the number of qualified teachers dwindle until public education is truly just day care or we can change the culture to ensure public education continues to be our nation’s most important continuing institution.

The Hard Work Is The Right Work

Being responsible for the education of children is not easy.  The speed, complexity, and complications of 21st century life is making this responsibility more and more difficult as every day we hear of a school controversy and crisis somewhere.  A board meeting in Timbuktu easily becomes headlines on national nightly news given how a social media post can explode sensationally.  And what is done in Timbuktu becomes a burning issue at a local meeting where most people cannot spell Timbuktu.  Being responsible requires leaders to understand the essential issues of their place and time, to sort the here and now from the Timbuktu, and not be afraid to tackle the hard stuff – the right work – of educating children.

Why is this thus?

There are several givens whenever we gather to talk about our local schools.  Our Constitution ensures our right to speak freely.  Wisconsin’s Open Meetings Laws ensure that school board meetings are open to public attendance with an opportunity for the public to speak to the school board.  And because almost everyone in the community attended a school of some sort, many people speak to their school board with the expertise of their personal school experience.  In summary, we are free to express our opinions about school and the school board is obligated to listen.  These are good things.

From the moment we labeled it public education, people felt compelled to express their opinion about how children should be educated.  Any adult who has or can biologically create a child feels authorized to explain how children should be raised and educated.  Today they express themselves standing at the lectern in front of the school board and from the screens of their computers, IPads, and smartphones while sitting at home.  This guaranteed exchange of “you speak, and we listen” is now part of posted school board agendas.  This is a healthy thing.

All board agenda items are not of the same importance.  The annual and daily operations of a district school require boards to consider, discuss, and approve items of routine business investigated and proposed by administrators.  These are the usual business of the board that once approved in the committee process need only a cursory airing in public and a vote.  It is true to say that many boards of education live on a steady diet of usual business agenda and shy away from controversy.  That said, the usual business is easy stuff and the controversial is the hard.  The hard points a board to the right work it must do.

Lastly, there is nothing inherently wrong with controversy; controversy being a voicing of oppositional points of view.  Good leadership understands that important educational issues will raise differing points of view and it is the work of the board to resolve conflicting points of view for the prosperity of the schools.  Best leadership does not shy away from controversy but tackles it honestly.

What should we know about this thusness?

Controversies abound!

The pandemic gave most school boards a rude awakening to the hard stuff.  As experienced ad nauseam, no school boards were educated or trained to deal with either pandemic education or the controversies of how schools should behave during a pandemic.  Few boards, if any, escaped this public crisis and the argument of battling points of view.   In fact, seated board members resigned, did not run for re-election, and were recalled by their electorate because of pandemic controversies.  The board table was not for the faint of heart when spittle and spite flew from impassioned parents and residents who knew best about public health and public education in an emergency.

Concurrent to the pandemic, other controversies brewed and erupted in school board rooms.  Events of police violence went national.  BLK begat an introspection of systemic racism that begat renewed white nationalism that begat a legislative rewriting of US history that could not be taught in public schools.  Speakers, despite historical fact, are making CRT their argument and the board room their arena.

Quietly then loudly gender identity and the evolving status of children claiming non-conforming gender expression forced the public, like tug-of-rope teams, to dig in their heels regarding who can use which bathrooms and locker rooms in schools.  Parents care more about this issue than their children.  The parent who cries “Protect my daughter!”, claims the media headline while distorting issues of discrimination and fairness. 

There are quiet controversies afoot.  As federal pandemic relief monies expire, school districts everywhere face financial crisis.  Usual school funding is not adequate to sustain the technologies and school staffing wrought by the pandemic.  While inflation diminishes family spending, school boards are proposing increases in local school taxes.  The controversies of cuts to school programs and school closing will clog the school board agenda for years to come.

A second quiet controversy is teacher shortage.  Teacher preparation programs in colleges and universities are dying for lack of enrollment.  As baby boomer teachers retire school boards are hard put to find qualified replacement teachers.  The controversy is this – state legislation is lowering the standards for a teaching license, persons who are not fully prepared to teach children to high standards of learning are being hired to assure a teacher in every classroom, student academic achievement is diving, and someone is to blame.  Hello, school board member!

What is a board to do?

Do these three things to succeed.

  • Grab each controversy by both ears, look it in the face, and deal with it.  Ignoring a controversy builds anger in the partisans and they will damn you for your lack of action.  Pussyfooting around a controversy allows it to grow constituent bases who demand action.  If you cannot provide the action, constituents will find someone who can.  Deal with it!
  • Know that school governance is not a democracy; it is representative government and only board members vote on school decisions.  As provided in law, the public has the right to speak with the school board and the board is obligated to listen.  Do not take anything said personally, even from the most spittle mouthed.  Do not take anything said as expert opinion or fact.  At the end of the meeting everyone else goes home and only board members vote on how the district will respond to a controversy.  Discuss and decide; that is what school boards do.
  • The board speaks for the education of all children in the district not for the happiness of parents, residents, and dissidents.  Self-interest, though denied, is the primary motive of every person who addresses the board – this is fact.  A board member’s only self-interest is the best education for ALL children, with ALL in capital letters.  A parent speaks for her child and her child’s peers.  A teacher for her grade level or those in her class.  A coach for her team.  The business manager for the budget.  Board members must consider ALL children, not just some, while ensuring that each child is provided an equal and equitable education and school experience.  This is the rub.  How to advance the cause of all while protecting the rights of the one.

Being responsible for the education of children is not easy.  If it were, anyone could do it and we don’t want just anyone to be responsible for the education of ALL children.  We want board members who can look inside the issues they confront to find humane, high ground, child-centered resolutions for tough questions.  I would like to think that if one of the two women claiming the child in the Bible’s Solomon “the wise” story had not said to spare the child and thus created a true claim as mother, Solomon would not have cleaved the child in two but adopted it as his own.  Board members consider ALL children your own and be willing take the forsaken child to your home.  This is your school board standard.