Would I want me to be my teacher?

Mirrors sometime present both the best and the worst of ourselves. Standing before the glass we see ourselves as we are. Mirrors do not lie. At the same time, we see ourselves as we want others to see us. It is that dual impression that we must address. Are we who we think we are and is that who we present to others?

Let children be your mirror.

Years ago, I knelt beside a second-grade child to check how she was doing with math fact flash cards. Her face scrunched up in thinking as she quietly talked herself through the cards. I counted eight successful automatic responses to eight flash cards. She was nailing her math facts and then she nailed me. When I gave her a thumbs up for her math, she smiled then frowned and said, “Your breath smells like bad coffee.” Immediately I went from happy educator to crestfallen odor-monger. Her impression and my impression of me did not jive and I knew that hers was the only one that counts. That day I quit drinking coffee at school. I also began making a closer inspection of how the children I taught perceived their teacher.

I began by questioning the values I thought I brought to the classroom every day. I listed 15 statements of what I believe about good instruction that causes learning. These are six I held up to my mirror asking, “would I want to be my teacher?”

  • The purpose of instruction is learning. Is my instruction explicitly connected to the learning outcomes children need? The mirror says sometimes I enjoy the teaching act too much thinking the spotlight is on me. I need to assure that the spotlight is on learning children. If children are not learning, I am not teaching. Children need to see themselves as the most important people in my classroom.
  • Instruction causes every child to learn. How do I know that every child successfully learns the targeted objectives of each lesson? Truth – The mirror says this is a problem. The calendar and clock are not my friends. There is so much curriculum and so little time. I need to assure that all children learn the lessons taught even if I do not teach every unit or lesson this school year. I need to see evidence of learning before I move to the next lesson. Children need to see themselves as successful learners so often they believe it even though some lessons require more work to be learned successfully. Their frustration is my cue to teach better.
  • The learning environment supports student learning. Am I appropriately adjusting the environment to support different instructional strategies and outcomes? The mirror says I need to change the environment when I move from direct to inquiry- or problem-based instruction. Sometimes children need to face me and sometimes they need to face each other. It takes effort to arrange a classroom purposefully or move the class elsewhere in the school or outdoors. Effort that causes learning is effort well spent. Children need to learn to learn in multiple environments and that is my responsibility.
  • Because children learn at different rates and degree, learning is on their clock not mine. Does the curricular calendar drive me or guide me? The mirror says I call on the first hands to go up and end a lesson when most children are done with the assignment. I need to optimize wait time after asking a question, ask a clarifying question if a response is not clear to me, and individualize tier two instruction when first tier did not cause a child to learn. Learning takes the time it takes, and I will commit the time necessary.
  • Engagement is not optional although all children may not be equally engaged at the same time or in the same ways. How do I flex instruction to connect with all children? How well do I accept non-engagement when non-engagement for that child at that time is okay? How thorough am I in checking for involvement as the lesson unfolds? The mirror I do insist that children be on task and devote time to individualizing time with children who are not. Intellectually I know some children seem to learn innately, and others need to grind through the lesson to learn. I probably quick-time the grinders. I need to confirm that each is engaged in ways that leads to their individualized learning, let the grinders grind, and give the quick completers enrichment and extended learning opportunities
  • If best practice is best, why accept or do anything else. Duh! I don’t need the mirror for this one.

Once I started checking my assumptions, I confirmed some practices but needed to adjust others so that I was constantly moving toward best practices. However, my teaching soul can take only so much introspection before it wants to say “Ouch” and loses its critical focus. On another day I questioned other practices. Doing a professional introspection several times each school year keeps me from becoming stale and just teaching the same lessons repeatedly. At the end of ten years, I want my students to have a teacher who strengthened his teaching over ten years not a first-year teacher who repeated being a first-year teacher ten times.

After several rounds of introspection, I changed the question from “would I want me to be my teacher” to “would I want me to be my daughter’s teacher.” That really ramped up the critical review.

Back to the beginning. I never again knelt next to a certain young lady without a fresh wintergreen lifesaver in my mouth.

Career Prep Pathways Need Prioritizing

There is a long-standing adage in school campus planning that says, “don’t pave the sidewalks until you see where students are walking – pave where they walk and have killed the grass.” That seems like a practical plan. On the other hand, academic curriculum planners do not inquire as to what children want to learn. They assume the tradition of college preparation. If we planned K-12 curriculum like we plan K-12 sidewalks, the curriculum children learn in school would be different than it is today.

What do we know?

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction boldly claims the mission of preparing children in Wisconsin to be college and career ready. The DPI says, “Public schools are working to graduate every child ready for college and career.” But what does college and career ready mean?

“In addition to having knowledge in academic content areas, the Wisconsin way of college and career readiness values skills and habits. Our graduates must be critical thinkers, able to communicate effectively, collaborate with others, and solve real world problems. Ultimately, we want our kids to be good adults.”


Reads like a good plan. There are two end points in public education: preparation for college and preparation for entering a career. However, reading like a good plan and being a good plan are vastly different.

Again, from the DPI. “The state graduation requirements under Wis. Stats. 118.33 and 118.33(1m)(a)1, Section 3266R total 15 credits and the successful passing of a civics exam. The 15 credits include the following:

  • English/Language Arts – 4 credits
  • Math – 3 credits
  • Science – 3 credits
  • Social Studies – 3 credits
  • Physical Education – 1.5 credits
  • Health – .5 credit in grades 7-12 (needed but not part of the 15 credits due to grades 7-8)
  • Personal Finance – .5 credit


Further, the DPI describes elective credits, in the range of 8.5 credits, that a school board may add to the state’s 15 credits. In examining a variety of school districts, most boards strengthen the college preparatory pathway by adding credits in social studies, science, PE, foreign language, the arts, and computer technology.

Further yet, the small print in district publications describes articulated or dual credits and apprenticeship programs. Articulated or dual credits are awarded for courses at the high school or technical college or college/university that a high school student may take and receive both high school and post-high school credit.

The reality is “A minority of students said their school offer opportunities to learn job-related skills, practice applying or interviewing for jobs, or work on projects related to a career they want to pursue.” “Less than a quarter of high schoolers reported having ‘a lot’ of conversations about non-college pathways such as apprenticeships or internships (23 percent), careers that don’t require a degree (19 percent), or starting a business of their own (13 percent).”


Where is the career pathway?

The curriculum we provide, and the curriculum children want.

Let us backward design high school curriculum.

“In October 2023, 61.4 percent of 2023 high school graduates ages 16 to 24 were enrolled in colleges of universities, little changed from the previous year. Among recent graduates, ages 16 to 24, 57.6% of men and 65.3 percent of women were enrolled in college. Among 16- to 24-year-olds, 43.7% of recent high school dropouts were working or looking for work. There were 18.0 million people ages 16 to 24 who were not enrolled in school, 45.6% of this age group.”


Using the sidewalk paving model, 60% of high school students need a college prep curriculum and 40% need a career prep curriculum. Therefore, 40% of a high school curriculum should be CTE.

From the DPI –

“Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs provide students with a foundation for a wide range of careers that reflect the contemporary workplace.

Academic & Technical Skills – CTE programs promote life-long learning in a global society.

Work-based Learning – CTE programs strengthen business and education partnerships to provide students with opportunities to reinforce skills and behaviors for the workforce.”

These are the sixteen Career Clusters, and the Pathways described by the DPI.

  • Agriculture Food and Natural Resources
  • Architecture and Construction
  • Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communication
  • Business Management and Administration
  • Education and Training
  • Finance
  • Government and Public Administration
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
  • Transportation Distribution and Logistics


The DPI site describes an Academic and Career Planning process that “…leads naturally to a career pathway. In K-12 education, a career pathway is a series of connected career and technical education and training opportunities that move seamlessly into a a post secondary options for a specific career area. A high school career pathway includes:

  • A sequence of career and technical education courses
  • Opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials
  • Work-based learning experiences
  • Dual-enrollment opportunities
  • Career and technical student organization related activities

The Big Duh!

I know grads of our local school who own, manage, and run businesses, resorts, construction companies, studios, serve in hospitals and clinics, law enforcement, and are paraprofessionals in schools. They are highly successful in work that does require a baccalaureate degree. As I reflect on their secondary school experience, they completed a college prep curriculum because we said, “it will be good for them” and “they will be prepared for college should they decide to go.”  The reality is our school did not assist them in their career pathway, we got in the way.

School boards do not need to invent career and technical education or its pathways. They exist. School boards need to re-evaluate their priorities, acknowledge the 40% of graduates who do not enroll in a college or university, and start paving a CTE curriculum where students’ footprints already exist.

Change Cell Phones from Distractions to Learning Tools

If today’s child treats their cell phone like Linus treated his blanket, do not fight with Linus – let him have an acceptable blanket. There are too many lessons children need to learn at school and arguing about cell phones is not one. School leaders, either make Linus’ blanket work for you or give Linus a blanket that works for school.

Make the cell phone work for learning.

Children have power in their pockets. I continue to be amazed with this statement. A modern cell phone has more computing power than Mercury and Apollo astronauts had in their combined space capsules. Their on-board computers were not much more than calculators and programmable switches. Continuing the evolution of computing power, the chip in my cell phone far outperforms my earlier desktop and laptop computers and equals a contemporary tablet. In my pocket I carry a powerful computer.

Stop the redundancy. Schools spend hundreds to thousands of dollars each year providing children with laptops and tablets for school use. In real world terms, we create computing redundancy. A child at school has computing power on her desk and in her pocket. The real difference is screen and keyboard size. When asked to calculate numbers or find or verify a fact, does a child need a larger screen and keyboard?  No. How many times during a typical class does a child need a larger screen to look up data? Never. A phone’s on-board calculator and Internet browser are more than adequate for everything schoolwork can dish up. And children know how to use their phones for these purposes.

Save money. Save time. Save effort. Save the argument. Tell children to use their phones for in-class work that does not require a larger screen.

Imagine the first time a teacher says, “Okay, for this assignment take out your phones. You will use your calculator to ….” More than pins will drop

Cell phones are collaborative.

Goals of education at all levels include socializing and collaboration. We want children to learn to talk to each other both purposefully and socially. How many times have you watched a child on the phone either contact a friend or answer a friend’s contact and not been engaged in the communication? Whether phone calling or texting, children get engaged. It is easy to translate this into a school application.  How many times has a teacher formed a group of children and they either sit a look at each other or allow one child in the group to dominate or do all the work? If we want engagement, let children engage in a real-world way on their phones.

“Today you will work with partners to answer this question: how did the NASA mission of sending a man to the moon affect everyday life for Americans? Please use your phones to look up as much info on the Internet as you need to answer the question. Then text what you know to at least three classmates. When you have received three texts, use what you learned from your search and what your friends sent you to write out your complete answer to the question in longhand.  We are going to use cell phones for research and collaboration and longhand for original work. One last thing – send the text messages you received to your computer, print out those messages, and attach them to your handwritten work.”

This assignment uses cell phones to do research and collaborate, uses long handwriting to ensure original work, and ties the two together as a finished product. Linus would be happy.

Make the cell phone a learning tool not a distractor.

We contribute to every struggle between adults and children with fixed “No!” statements. As soon as “You cannot …” is declared, the commandment becomes a challenge for defiance. Defiance is not in either a teacher’s or a child’s best interest. There are, in fact, several non-negotiable rules for children in school. No fighting, no stealing, no cheating, no weapons, no drugs, and no bullying fit that descriptor. There are rules about technologies, like the non-negotiable rules, that are necessary ground rules for children in and out of school. Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking are non-negotiable, especially as AI adds unforeseen dimensions to both. Almost all children will understand the “don’t use technology to …” rules. The rule that says “no cell phones” is an automatic challenge for defiance.

It is when children use cell phones for non-learning uses that a cell phone is a distractor in the classroom. Defiance and dug in opposition follow. Stop the defiance by showing children how to use cell phones as a learning tool. The more we can make a cell phone a tool for learning, the more we will make it a non-distractor. And the sooner we make it a non-distractor, we will make both teachers and children happier.

Rules Should Serve Kids Not Adults

Today it’s cell phones and backpacks.  Depending upon your generation, it was chewing gum, the length of girls’ skirts, boys’ low-slung jeans and exposed boxers, high school boys with face hair, or checking that every child showered after PE class.  There always has been a rule that school enforces upon children, an arbitrary rule with disciplinary repercussions. Why?

Pecking order of rules.

School rules fall into a pecking order.  There are hard and fast rules and soft and contextual rules.  At the top of the order are the generalized, little argument, good for everyone rules.  They read like a Ten Commandments for students.  Respect one another.  No fighting.  No weapons.  No drugs.  No stealing.  No cheating.  Stay seated while the bus is moving.  These Commandments don’t need a lot of retelling to children and don’t get push back unless a child is caught breaking one of them.  Even then, harsh consequences are understood because breaking one of these is a school sin.

In the middle of the order are rules that make sense if someone is watching.  No running in the hallways.  Don’t cut in line.  No talking during tests.  Do your own homework.  These rules make sense even when they curb what children would like to do without a rule saying “don’t”.  Lots of children break these rules with a “no harm, no foul” mentality.  The usual consequences for infractions of these middle order rules are middle order punishments. “Go to the back of the line” and “Go back and let me see you walk without running”.  Most children view these as “if you do the crime, spend the time” rules.

At the bottom of the pecking order are the arbitrary rules that are either irrational to children or are purposefully confrontational.  Today, these include rules about cell phones, use of AI, social media, and gender-based rules.  In yesteryear, these included rules about clothing, hair, language, and gum chewing.  Children know a rule is arbitrary when the school rationalization boils down to “because we say so!”.

Need for school rules.

It is hard to conceive of a place where hundreds to a thousand or more children, or adults for that matter, gather without some overarching understanding of orderliness.  Rules rule for orderliness.  We believe that a lack of understood rules creates conditions as in Lord of the Flies or the “wild west”.  To prevent school anarchy every state constitution assigns its department of education and local school boards the responsibility of propagating school rules.   

“Should schools have rules?  Obviously, yes.  No one – I think – disputes the necessity of having rules that keep people safe and make life easier and more pleasant for everyone involved.  So, a full setting out of acceptable behavior in a science lab or tech workshop is clearly important and sensible.  Rules governing minimum expectations of how students should behave in classrooms and social spaces are also desirable, as are rules about how teachers should and should not interact with children.”

Rules, however, do not make conditions orderly.  It is the people who enforce the rules who create order.  Therein, lies one of the rubs of arbitrary school rules.

“Teachers are woefully, incredibly, amazingly undertrained on the behavioral issues,” Wells says. “Teacher training today looks a lot like it did in the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s. The typical teacher training tends to be about 80 percent content, on academics and curriculum, then 20 percent on the human factor. If you ask a teacher how many days they’ve had dominated by content, they just laugh. Their days are dominated by bad behavior.

Schools continue to prepare teachers for Beaver Cleaver and the 1950s. You talk to teachers, they’ll tell you they’ve got Beavis and Butthead. We’ve got a profound mismatch going on.

When a teacher feels he or she is losing control, Wells says the natural impulse is to start piling up arbitrary rules to regain some sort of order.”

In most teacher preparation programs, a teacher-to-be completes one course in child development and one course in classroom behavior management.  These six credits are contrasted to the other 114 content, pedagogical, and student teaching credits in a typical 120 credit requirement for a BA in education. 

Teachers are indeed woefully unprepared to deal with a class, a grade level, and a school of contemporary children.  If teachers spent more time in the field study of child behaviors, the psychology of changing behaviors, and did clinical work in the negotiated management of children, we would see a great reduction in teacher stress and children’s confrontation with school authority.  But the institution of teacher prep is not going to change.

Hence, arbitrary.

As educators, we get to being arbitrary quickly when confronted with child behaviors we can not easily change with Commandments or Makes Sense rules.  The hardest confrontations today between teachers and children are cultural, generational, technology-based, and gender related.  There are issues in each of these categories for which children today and adults of yesterday do not see eye to eye.  In fact, they are flat out oppositional and each side digs in for battle with little provocation.

This is not new.  Speech and dress and the right to protest rocks schools in the 60s and 70s.  Smoking and marijuana created trench warfare in the 70s, 80s and 90s.  Every issue was addressed with specific, “don’t you dare, kiddo” rules with punishments beginning with suspension and moving immediately to expulsion.  Schools carved out the cancers of defiance with hard justice.

As soon as a cell phone carried the Internet, phones in schools became the line in the sand not to be crossed.  Kids of all ages engaged in social media and texting holding their phones under their desk or table.  Just like POWs in enemy prisons, kids improvised and learned to text each other blindly with their phones in their pockets.  Genius, but against the rules.

Now it is AI.  “More than 4 in 10 teens are likely to use AI to do their schoolwork instead of doing it themselves this coming school year, according to a new survey.  But 670 percent of teens consider using AI for schoolwork as cheating, according to the nationally representative survey of 1,006 13- to 17-year-olds conducted by research firm Big Village in July for the nonprofit Junior Achievement.”


The bad news is that although they consider it cheating, 40% of teens are likely to use AI for school assignments and claim the work as their own.  The good news is that many educators are using in-class targeted assessments instead of larger scale assignments and take-home tests.  Schools also use AI to detect AI.  The harsh news is that developers, mainly kids, develop programs to get around AI detection as fast as schools adopt detection. 

The Big Duh!

We adults tend to forget that the purpose of school is to prepare children for life after school.  We substitute the message that each grade prepares a child for the next and elementary for secondary school, and high school for college.  It is not so.  Public education prepares children for life after school and for a growing number of children, that means work not college.  The rules we create should have some basis in the real world.  Rules for our youngest should mirror child development in the homes of our community.  Rules for our oldest should mirror the rules they will find after graduation. 

Our School Commandment rules are sound and eternal in a school setting.  Our middle order rules also are sound, and their purpose is close to eternal in school setting.  They keep school from being the Wild West.  It is our arbitrary rules that cause us to woe.  We must find alternative ways to get around the swamps.

For example, due to school violence and school closings and changes in school activities, parents want their upper elementary through high school children to have immediate communication options with their parents and parents with their children.  It is not the cell phone that is the problem but the smartphone.  If schools are going to bar or bag smartphones, then provide every child with a simple cell phone with no Internet.  When a crisis or emergency hits, a school’s Wi-Fi is overwhelmed.  The cost of simple, no Internet cell phones is less than the time, energy, and hassling over student abuse of smartphones.

For example, the use of AI only grows.  In the non-school world, collaboration is valued whereas in the school world we want a student’s original work.  Make high stakes assessments paper and pencil and focus formative assignments on information gathering and synthesis and collaboration.  AI lives in the non-school world so make school AI parallel.

For example, remember that our nation was and is a melting pot of world cultures.  Learn from others as they learn from our culture, whatever that may be.  Don’t put up walls; keep the spoon stirring in the melting pot.  Be inclusive not exclusive.

And every adult in school needs to remember they are there only because kids are there! 

Do I Teach Subjects to Children or Children to Understand Subjects?  Huh?

“I am a teacher.  I am a licensed social studies teacher.  My teaching assignment is middle school social studies; 7th and 8th grade, to be exact.  These are statements about my profession, my licensure, and my teaching assignment.  They are facts.

This is the question I answer every day.  Do I teach social studies to children, or do I teach children to understand the social studies?  How I answer the question makes a world of difference to me and to the outcomes of my teaching.  The answer is not a fact but a disposition about the purpose of teaching.

When you construct these statements about yourself, substituting your teaching license and your teaching assignment, how do you answer the question regarding the teaching of curriculum or the teaching of children?  The direct object of your statement indicates the focus of your teaching.”

I pose the above to adults who want to enroll in our post-baccalaureate teacher licensing program.  The completion of the program produces a teaching license.  However, from the get-go, I want each person to pre-consider the kind of teacher they will become.  Will they teach curriculum to children or teach children to understand curriculum?  I tell each person “The children you teach will know the difference on the first day they sit before you”.

Usually, these enrollees ask me for more information.  “How are these two things different – teaching subjects to children or children to understand subjects?”.  My response is “I will ask you this question again mid-way through your program.  I also will ask you to explain your response in a manner that exemplifies your role as a professional educator.  If you don’t understand the difference between teaching subjects to children or children to understand subjects by that time, we will discuss your future as a teacher”.

There are some questions that need to be answered.  The disposition of teachers toward the subjects and the children they teach lives out every day in their classrooms.  Teachers must know why they teach.

Personally, and professionally, choose this answer.  I teach children to understand the social studies.