We cannot reclaim lost time or opportunity. If the loss was significant enough, we can compensate it with different experiences that grow us to the point we wanted to be. This is the work before us. Continue reading
“Yesterday Is Gone And There’s No Getting It Back”
Just a Smile and a Nod
Being open or closed to in-school learning during a pandemic is debated with passion. Either can be best. Transition from one to the other requires sensitivity from all. Continue reading
Collegiality and Camaraderie In The Time of COCID
COVID heightens the needs for collegiality and camaraderie. When we find our mutuality in the face of personal dangers, our professionalism can provide the pathways for future success. Continue reading
Unemployment Is High Yet There Is a Shortage of Teachers: Time To Make Teaching a Preferred Profession
The crisis of our teacher shortage is the perception that teaching is not a good career choice. As COVID is causing major changes in teaching practices, we need to use the moment to change the profession of teaching. Continue reading
Commonweal in the Time of COVID
Who says children should be remote learners or that teachers will teach from school or home? In the Time of COVID responsibility and authority are not clear. Continue reading
Quality Indicators of Remote Education: Curricular Integrity and Accountability
A quality education should not be differentiated by a non-pandemic education or a pandemic education. Quality should be a constant regardless of learning conditions. Curricular integrity and accountability are essential characteristics of a quality education. Continue reading
Quality Indicators of Remote Education: Mastery of Time
Quality remote instruction uses focused teaching within limits of student on-screen attention and knows when learning requires a student to work offline. Teachers who abuse their time with students will lose their students. Continue reading
Quality Indicators of Remote Ed – Personal and Daily Connections With Every Child
Distance is both spatial and relational. In-school teaching to at-home children is keeps us apart, but we overcome space by personal and daily contacts. Continue reading
Pandemic + Concurrent Teaching + Exhaustion and Fatigue = Change the School Calendar
How many things in our school life that we consider unchangeable will need to change before we survive the pandemic? How we use school time and days as a part of a positive andhealthy pandemic solution is worth considering. Continue reading
Piloting Schools in the Time of COVID
Monolithic thinking in the Time of COVID is unrealistic – it will fail regardless of its premise. Schools need to monitor and adjust programming for health and safety with programming for a quality education for all children. Course corrections are necessary. Continue reading