
Olly Olly Oxen Free

This spring a school needs to conduct a full battery of curricula assessments for each child enrolled. Teachers, parents, and children need to know the status of child learning to plan appropriately for the 21-22 school year. Continue reading

School Board Work Is A Wonderful Responsibility

School boardsmanship requires members to act with integrity and respect, be informed about and by their schools, represent children and their education, and be legislators not executives. It is a wonderful responsibility. Continue reading

What We Learned – The School We Miss Did Many Things Very Well

Every national crisis includes a discussion of public education. In some way, schooling always is involved. As we evolve through the pandemic, our discussion points to attributes of public education we miss because we value them even more in their absence. Continue reading

Remote Education Is An Emergency Response Not A New Parent Choice Option

Remote education for non-home school children is an emergency strategy that is unsustainable over time without significant restructuring of teaching assignments and regulatory support. Continue reading

Focusing On Crisis Has Obscured Big Picture Perspectives

Health crisis forced us to close campuses. Educational crisis is forcing us to open campuses. A 360 degree vision will unfold the whys and whats of our work. Continue reading

Ethosing Through The Pandemic

It is easy to lose sight of core values in a crisis and its conflicting demands. Schools that connected pandemic decisions to their school ethos have an anchor that will keep them on track. Continue reading

When Not If I Have Your Back

Dealing with protest could/should be Admin 101 today. Accountability to others begins with integrity within. It is easy and proper to support us when we act with integrity. Continue reading

Stop Teaching and Breathe

The technology of remote education allows schools to teach children without interruption. Because we have new capacity for constant and continuous education, should students be in constant and continuous learning mode? No. Continue reading

A Principal Teacher

The historic concept of principal teacher has contemporary play in schools today. A pandemic principal’s role as teacher is only accentuated in a crisis. Continue reading

Why Is My Teacher Memorable?

In a time when we declare that something “matters”, it is equally important to declare what makes something worthy of mattering. Continue reading