
The Start of the 21-22 School Year Depends Upon Your #1

The pandemic continues. Contention about school protocols continues. How you view these depends upon your #1 priority. Continue reading

Educating Children: “The hard is what makes it great”

The pre-pandemic is gone and there is no getting it back. The 2021-22 school year requires the hard work of emerging from health protocols and re-engaging in the person-to-person business of educating children. Continue reading

Schooling As A Long View: A Best Perspective

As educational centers, we must say what we mean and mean what we say. All curriculum has value for children. Student achievements in all our curricula are the real measures of a school’s educational quality. Continue reading

School Is Where Children Grow Up: Education Is How They Grow Up

School is an experience for children and adults alike. We are not certain how our teaching affects a child until many years later when the effects of an education are lived out. Continue reading

Reading Wars Redux – A Good Fight

Data show that current, non-phonics-based strategies leave more than half our students as non-proficient readers. SoR provides a new and compelling look at phonics-based reading and is a game changer. Continue reading

Assure There Will Be No Yada Yada in September

The gap between the old normal and new normal requires more than a restart. Organizational gut-checking is necessary to assure a better 21-22 school year for all. Continue reading

School Board Work Is A Wonderful Responsibility

School boardsmanship requires respect and integrity, a search for sound information, being informed about and by your school, standing for the quality education of all children, and a focus on policy and practice. It is a wonderful responsibility. Continue reading

Leadership Longevity Is Tenuous

Leadership is transactional. You must lead both those who want to be led and those who do not. Outcomes can be fractious. Longevity in a position is hard to achieve. Continue reading

Change And Institutionalization Are Inevitable

Change and institutionalization are constants and inevitable. If you want to be a change agent, know how change theory works and how institutions defend against change. Continue reading

The “Community”. Who Exactly Is this?

To know what the community values and wants you must know who the community is. There are many communities in a community. Continue reading