As the pandemic has disrupted school life, it also can disrupt school thinking. Some pre-pandemic practices cannot be applied now, and the pandemic provides a unique opportunity to correct past practices. Grading is one of these. Continue reading
Covid Provoked Reforms – Proficiency in Standards-based Learning
Yoda, the Dark Path, and the High Ground of Education
Threading through the time of covid is a dark-sided anger that threatens our children and their ongoing education. Their future requires educators to find and hold the high ground of public schooling – a pillar of our society that stands the test of time. Continue reading
School Children In the Time of Polio
Children who received a Salk vaccination in the 1950s are grandparents now. Their children and grandchildren are confronted with covid. These are two vastly different responses to how our nation and communities use vaccination to combat viral disease. Continue reading
Our Children’s Eyes Are On Us
School board rooms are classrooms for children learning how adults show respect, act civilly, and work for improving the common good. The pandemic provides board members and community adults a chance to show their mettle. Continue reading
School Is The Constant Throughout All The Years
Apply James Earl Jones’ statement about baseball to public school – it is a perfect truth. Continue reading
What Do I Need To Know To Feel Normal About School?
America remains an experiment and work in progress. Societal, economic, political, and cultural crises happening simultaneous with the pandemic will be our greatest challenge to date. Our new normal will be very unlike our old. Continue reading
We Are Known By What We Prioritize
Authority regarding masking and controversial curricula dominate parent priorities with school board members. Parent rights are the parent priority. The covid effects on student learning are not mentioned. Children will pay a price for this mistake. Continue reading
School Culture and Return-to-School Students: Another Pandemic Challenge
Real experience shapes behavior. Out-of-school behaviors learned and reinforced in remote education are causing schools and children difficulty in the return-to-school. Continue reading
Regaining Proficiency Thru Needs-based Instruction
Children returning to in-person learning demonstrate proficiency gaps – lost and or missed learning – that must be closed. We treat lost and missed instruction differently. Knowing the difference matters. Continue reading
Resuming Pre-pandemic Academic Proficiency Achievement
Fact – end-of-pandemic academic assessments display slippage of student proficiency. The issue is not where data has slipped to but what we do about. In 2021-22 children get one school calendar year to learn their annual curriculum. We have work to do. Continue reading