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A Charlie Brown Take on Protecting Student Data

The adults say, “Millenial children. You intuit the use of technology. Bravo! It is difficult to imagine your generation without your ubiquitous connection to the digital universe.”

The children raise their eyebrows without taking their eyes from the screens they study and nod.

The adults say, “Now that you are engaged with the digital universe 24/7, we will take steps to protect your identity from unscrupulous people who could do you harm.”

This pronouncement causes the children to quickly glance at who is speaking to perceive if that person is credible. But, just a glance.

The children say, “And, how will you protect us?”

The adults say, “We will not allow the unscrupulous people to have access to your Internet identity.”

The children say again without looking away from their screens, “Like you won’t let them know our e-mail addresses, our cell phone numbers, our social media handles, and our Face Book addresses.” They say it as a statement but with the inflection of a question.

The adults say, “Yes, like that. And, we’ll protect your sacred school performance data so that they cannot prey upon you with Internet ads and solicitations. We don’t want them to sell your identities for unapproved purposes.”

This has piqued the children’s attention. “Will you protect our identities as well as you protect your own?”

The adults say, “You have our word.”

The children slowly turn their hands so that the adults can read their screens.

The closest screen read

In 2014 alone, financial institutions and major retail outlets reported the theft of more than 400 million customer identities. The thieves gained access to the customer names, credit card numbers, banking information and electronic identities. These corporations suffered the greatest number of identity losses.

TK/TJ Maxx                    94,000,000

JP Morgan/Chase          76,000,000

Target                            76,000,000

Home Depot                  56,000,000

Citigroup                          3,900,000

Countrywide                    2,600,000

Another screen displayed twenty-five examples of cyber terrorism in which sovereign nations have been invaded with malware and records thefts. No government is immune.

Another screen steamed the movie Identity Theft.

One of the children said, “And, you will protect us this well.”

The adults did not respond. Now and again, adult hypocrisy knows no bounds.


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