
Teach For Enduring and Expansive Learning Not Coverage. Know the Difference.

Coverage teaching is like the proverbial river that is a mile wide and an inch deep – it emphasizes breadth without depth. In my naivety as a young educator I believed that if something was worth teaching it was worth learning well and that meant deeper teaching and learning. Conversely, why waste time and energy on teaching things we did not plan for children to learn well? I still believe this. Continue reading

In an over-informationed world we are under-literate.

Is being literate critical to adult life? Given how much information adults are exposed to every day, can we expect adults with varying levels of literacy skills to effectively consider and understand the constant barrage of information? The answer is “no,” yet our world ultimately spins on the voices and decisions of under-literate adults. Continue reading

Teach Up to Cause Children to Meet Higher Expectations

The conversation about the actions needed to move achievement upward and the commitment to those actions is what bridges the distance between having high expectations and achieving high expectations. Continue reading

Teachers of Bygone and New Eras

The profession of teaching has entered a new era. Most new teachers will be as professional as the business of teaching requires them to be. They will work their contracts. Life for them sets aside the eight hours each day and nine months needed for their teaching job so that they can live their non-job lives. Continue reading

Burying a Myth About Rigor – It Is Too Easy If Every Student Gets a Good Grade

“If every student gets good grades, the instruction has lost its rigor.” End of discussion and I fought the urge to throw my pen at him. Continue reading

Good Classroom Management is Not Easy; It is a Learned and Practiced Skill and Art

Field experience tells us that fitting a student management philosophy to a teacher is like fitting shoes. One will feel better, wear better, and be more satisfying than all others. Therefore, teacher prep programs must teach teachers a variety of philosophies and strategies so that a teacher can find a personal plan that refines student behavior and enhances student learning. Continue reading

Improve How We Treat Our Rookies to Resolve Teacher Attrition

First-year teaching is a survival of the fittest contest. National statistics are not changing and 40% of classroom teachers leave teaching in their first five years in the profession. Stop and consider that fact for a moment. A teacher pays $80,000 or more for a baccalaureate degree and teaching license. Their move to a new town and investment in renting or buying a home is a huge emotional as well as financial commitment. Then they walk away from that effort and expense. The reasons must be ginormous. Continue reading

Would I want me to be my teacher?

If the perception we have of our teaching is not the perception have of our teaching, what are we prepared to do about it?
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Career Prep Pathways Need Prioritizing

School boards need to re-evaluate their priorities, acknowledge the 40% of graduates who do not enroll in a college or university, and start paving a CTE curriculum where students’ footprints already exist. Continue reading

Change Cell Phones from Distractions to Learning Tools

Every generation of teacher and student has a issue they fight over. Today it is cell phones. Make these into learning tools not distractors and get on with teaching learning. Continue reading