We need to consider the possibility, probability, and consequences of no American Dream. Hence, we cannot apply past generational assumptions about children to the Alphas and the world they will occupy. Woe be to those who ignore the Alphas. Continue reading
Atlas is Shrugging
When a slim majority of our electorate believes an egoist will elevate their status and cure their woes, what happens if everyone else shrugs? Continue reading
Rousseau, Come Back
The major dilemma we face in this decade will not be the loss of academic achievement and the onset of socio-emotional problems in youth. The problem will be that as children matriculate into middle and secondary education, they lose faith in the efficacy of the education adults deliver to them. Our issues today are not lack of achievement but lack of engagement. Continue reading
Hortons Hear Teachers
Ask teachers about their long-term teacher friends and most will name and describe a teacher or small group of teachers they met in their first days and months as a classroom teacher. Many say their friends found them, they did not find their friends. An early teacher friend is a Horton, just like the Seuss elephant who singularly heard the microscopic community of Whoville. A teacher Horton hears and sees starting teachers and connects with them. But not every teacher is so lucky as to have a Horton. Continue reading
AI Is Icarus Deja Vu
The right rule “of thumb” is — AI is approved when the goal is investigative, consensus building, problem solving, and efficiency AND AI is not approved when the goal is original thought, critical thinking, and skill development. Using AI should not be generalized to all student work but attached to the goals we are teaching children to achieve. Continue reading